Sunday, January 1, 2023


One more year which is 2022 has gone and I am before you with a new blog of time. Before wishing you Happy New Year 2023 I would like to make it clear again that you  can't be happy the whole year  and ofcourse it is not good to take only sweets  in your diet .

रश्मिरथी में दिनकर साहब कहते हैं कि - 

 चाँदनी पुष्प-छाया मे पल,

नर भले बने सुमधुर कोमल ,

पर अमृत क्लेश का पिए बिना,  

आताप अंधड़ में जिए बिना,

वह पुरुष नही कहला सकता,

विघ्नों को नही हिला सकता

So excellance of your humanism is only judged in hard times which is symbolized here by  manhood in the context of Karna (take this horizontally for men and women.)  

Actually  the sense of wishing happy new year is not to make you happy the whole year .It is the imagination towards smartness  of your humanism that in wished year you would handle every turn in the progression of life very wisely and happily . In this progression you would get some of them set in arithmetic or geometric and some of them would be completely surprising.  

          So now I wish you 

"A very happy new year " for 2023

🌻~~~~~~^~~~~~^^~~~~~~~^^^^~~~~~~~^^^~~~~~~~^^ 🌸

Wishes are brought to be true, are not come to be true 

All of us have  our own wishes for which we make efforts. It is very normal in the non fictious world. Actually wishes comes true only  in the stories of  fairy tale. Here in this real world you need to burn the candels at both ends to bring your wishes to be true. Sometimes we have to keep our wishes apart from us to achieve the same . Exceptions exist in every context so I will not go through it.  Dr. Kalaam has said that  maslen ,mushkilen zindagi ke hisse hain aur takleefen kamyaabi ki sachchaiyaan . So I think it is well to deserve first  to handle your wishes then desire to obtain. Because without the hangar you can't hold the aircraft. So dream your wishes , make hard  efforts for them with perseverance and then you will achieve it . 

🌻~~~~~~^~~~~~^^~~~~~~~^^^^~~~~~~~^^^~~~~~~~^^ 🌸


One more  year has gone with its constant attitude of moving ahead. And I found myself a novice manager also this  year . It is gradual to achieve something and we should continuously try to be better in every aspect. In fact time is precious so you must to use it wisely with correct proportion of calculated units. This year I watched the stopwatch many times and most of the times I was very active and fearul of slipping off of it. A good manager always knows the costs of all of his essentials listed in the catalogue . Because I was  very poor in estimation I started to record the units of  time a few weeks ago. The observation was of the time  I  spend in little things for eg. the time of bathing , the time of going any distance etc. By doing this I realised that sometimes we fight for a few minutes to ourselves and on the other hand we let much of the sand slip off without any proper attention . This totally meant that I couldn't hear the sound Tik-Tik -Tik  everytime . That's why I told that there is noviceness in my mangement. 

 🌻~~~~~~^~~~~~^^~~~~~~~^^^^~~~~~~~^^^~~~~~~~^^ 🌸

2023: The year of application 

There are  no shortcuts in journey . We need to trace the way forward but the smart turns make it easier to complete  . With travelling forward,  simultaneaously you  get also the expierience of the distance traced before. So being conscious and using  your experience smartly may add on values of it.

 Dr. Kalaam says in his book Wings Of Fire that desire ,when it stems from the heart and spirit, when it is pure and intense , possesses awesome electromagnetic energy .This energy is released to the either each night ,as the mind falls into the sleep state .each morning it returns to the conscious state reinforced with the cosmic currents.That which has been imaged will surely and certainly manifested . You can rely ,young man ,upon this ageless promise as surely as you can rely upon the eternally unbroken promise of sunrise... and of spring.     

🌻 Have faith , if it would be reality in your dream , in your wish , in your love it must stay for forever .  

🌻Be patient and with preseverance make hard efforts . Add a new step everyday that lead the way to your dream.

🌻Try to keep yourself awaken and conscious as much as possible .Listen to Tik-Tik-Tik .

🌻And don't wish to be happy the whole year . Consider the year as the unit of time and celebrate it in its real form .Try to be a good human being with the great potential of your mental power that can handle all the situations of your life whether it is tough or convenient very happily. 

Thanks for being part of this blog...

What do the great people say? 

🌻नव वर्ष संदेश (आचार्य प्रशांत) click here 🌻

शनिवार: अंक ७

  आतिश का नारा और धार्मिक कट्टरता से परे जब हम किसी धर्म के उसके विज्ञान की चेतना से खुद को जोड़ते हैं तो हमारा जीवन एक ऐसी कला का रुप लेता ...